Awasiya Rajkamal Concept School is one of the top 5 cbse school in Jamui. It is established in the year 2019. It is a co-educational school which is based on C.B.S.E. Pattern. At Rajkamal Concept School, the uniqueness of each child is recognized, nurtured and treasured. Emphasis on LEARNING and not on teaching. “Our mission is to provide positive catalytic impulses to every CHILD to stretch his inherent learning competencies through a self discovery process.”
Our focus is to develop our students as global citizens, with tolerance, respect and appreciation of diverse cultures and religions for a life-time learning experience. They should be self-motivated, independent, confident decision makers to take up a leadership roles in future.
Awasiya Rajkamal Concept School Entrance Test(ARCSET) is conducting by SUSHILA DEVI EDUTECH PRIVATE LIMITED to assess to assess competence of candidates for admissions. Conducting examination either online/offline is completely depend on Organizing body and this is also responsible to produce result of entrance test.
Awasiya Rajkamal Concept School is committed to provide high quality resources to enable a student to achieve a better and more fulfilled level of value base education, to accomplish this goal the Rajkamal Concept School seeks to empower students by assisting them in developing the skill and confidence necessary to succeed in an academic environment.
Get placed successfully in the following top ranking elementary schools :- Sainik School (All India), Rashtriya Military School, R. K. Mission (Deoghar & Purulia), Vanasthali, Birla Vidyamandir, Motilal Nehru School of Sports We are offering a significantly different curriculum extended interaction hours and an education platform that promotes both academic and competitive skill development.
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